
Testimonials and Reviews

You Get the Best

by Jessica

I love using my oils from these guys! they also are so good about educating you on all the benefits that the oils can provide.

Amazing Resource

By Darryl

Riki Marie goes out of her way to make sure you get the information you need. Fantastic support and amazing resource.

One of the Best

By Gladys

One of the most passionate and informed representative of her business that I have ever met! If Riki doesn't know the answer to your question, she will find it for you.

Summer Online Classes

by Naomi

I just finished an online facebook class called essentials for summer. That was a great informative class, easy to follow from the comfort of my house in my comfies πŸ™‚ I participated in answering all of the questions and I won a free essential oil πŸ™‚ thank you Riki for sharing your love for oils, learning, and love of people with us πŸ™‚ I can't wait to try out my new Lime in some salsa or guacamole πŸ™‚

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Natural Health Care?

    Natural Health care is being empowered to manage your own emotional, mental and physical health. It also means having clean, green products to reduce the toxicity in your home and your body. One staple of Natural Health is Essential Oils - naturally occurring aromatic compounds. Basically – good smelling stuff that comes from the plant. When distilled for purity, oils are extremely potent and efficient: in most cases, just a few drops is all you need! EssentialOils can be used on their own, or as part of a larger health protocol, including supplements, personal care products, home products and natural solutions.

  • Why Natural Health Care?

    It is a safe, natural alternative! We love our doctors and certainly will always use them (and western medicine) when we need them, but it’s great to have a first line of defense that we can do ourselves!